Friday, December 7, 2012

Week 1

I would start by saying that I have created this blog to study trading with the most sufficient and the most risky securities - stocks. With this blog I can keep record of my trading history and give new knowledge to the followers. Also, keep in mind that out of all the investors who actually have a profit, the average profit is 13% a year. I will try to beat that.
I bought a week ago :
NKE at 97.48pt, which has risen 1.14% in a week. Reason for buying? It shows double-bottom revearsal indicator, which also means it should rise to 106pt with couple a weeks.
Try to notice the similarities of the graphs.

KIM at 19.26pt, which has risen 1.77% in a week. Reason for buying? It was about to bounce off a channel line line, which also means it should rise 5% with couple a weeks.

Only difference with KIM-case is that it's a uptrend. But never trust trends for too long. As they say : "Trend is your friend until it bends."

The third purchase, A,  didn't go so well, I must admit. In fact : I bought it at 38.29pt and it has fallen
-1.25% in a week. Also that has been bought because of the double bottom revearsal (NKE is the example). I still believe in volume increase and that it will break through the red line and will establish a 5% increase in a month.

Estimates for the next week :
I have bought JNPR, because it has a clear triple bottom revearsal which is a more secure form of a double bottom. Expecting a 5% increase in 1-2 weeks. Because it's a stock with a average volume and market cap.
Also, L , because it has a famous head and shoulders indicator. I expect 3-4% a month, slow sustainable growth.

More from those next week.
Check out , where it's possible to find all the needed information about most known stocks around the world.

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